While a whole bunch of you leaving me comments are spammers, there are many kind people who have left me comments to savor. And I owe you an explanation of why I haven’t been updating the blog lately or posting your comments.
As many of you know from reading previous posts, my husband is a four time cancer survivor. We are now hoping to beat it for the fifth time. And this time is very different. Caught very early, we are living with this cancer because it cannot be removed by surgery as it is on his remaining kidney. The good news is that it is slow growing. So, slow, in fact, that when recently tested again, we’re in another watch and wait mode for four months until he’ll be tested again.
I am finding this very unsettling this time. “The Saint,” as my parents refer to my husband, just takes it all in stride, confidently putting it in God’s hands. The control freak (that would be me) has more trouble doing that; while I’m great at putting it in His hands, I keep taking it back!
So, while I’m muddling through this time, and trying to manage what is on my plate, I’ve eased up on myself for a time – trying to pace myself better, during this (my most professionally demanding) time of the year. Perhaps you, like me, need to work on “seizing the day” better.
I am most grateful for the patience of my students, the support of my colleagues at school, the Social CMO crew (because I’m not pulling my weight there right now), clients, Twitter friends, and my extended family. And I’m making progress; I finally purchased our plane tickets, committing us to that trip to Ireland we’ve been talking about for so long. Yes, the little Pennsylvania Dutch boy is taking his Irish girl to her homeland. And this precious memory-in-the-making is helping me better cope with life’s uncertainties right now.
Thank you for your compliments and encouragement – and right now, your patience. I’ll be back soon, and share more about how I’m learning to “carpe diem!”